You are invited to an Open House for Leigh Boorn's birthday on January 19 from 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. at 101 Church Street Potosi. Please R.S.V.P. to if you can come. Your presence is Gift enough, so please NO Gifts!
As the Director of Evangelization, it is my job to direct Evangelizers. I can offer training, support and pray for your efforts, but without the action of speaking about Jesus--Evangelization is just a concept that does not bear fruit. If you want to become an Evangelizer, give me a call or email and let's bear fruit in the lives of those in your life who need Jesus. -Leigh
"In other words, evangelization is not primarily something we do; it is something we are. It starts with prayer, with asking the Lord throughout each day to bring someone to share Him with. Then, we’ve got to slow down enough to be aware of the people around us and to listen for a prompting of the Holy Spirit in case there is a conversation He would like us to have." Excerpt from Conversations that Bear Fruit by Heather Schultz a Blog Post from Renewal Ministries
One Good Reason
Lukewarm Christian
This week in our continuing series on evangelization tips, and over the next three weeks, we'll be providing you with evangelization techniques utilizing an effective method called One Good Reason. We've found it's one of the best ways to share the Gospel with someone, because it provides the individual with your personal reasons why you are Catholic. They likely won't argue with your deeply held feelings, so it can have the effect of disarming them. The method fits in with our evangelization method, Listen, Befriend, Proclaim, and Invite. In the Proclaim stage, you simply ask, "Can I give you one good reason why I...(fill in particular reason vou love vour faith that relates to their issue)?" Today's topic is evangelizing lukewarm Christians. So, we're looking for something that might stir the heart of a Christian that is rather unmotivated when it comes to living the faith.
You are likely familiar with Our Lord's words from the book of Revelation 3:16: "Because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth." This is a stark warning from Jesus, and one that many of us don't like to think about. ("Lukewarm" means neither antagonistic ("cold") nor passionate ("hot") in the pursuit of one's Christian duties.) Certainly God loves those who are lukewarm, but He also warns that their lack of passion for the faith, is greatly endangering their own salvation. So we must give lukewarm Christians our "one good reason" for taking the faith seriously.
This message is brought to you by St. Paul Street Evangelization. If you'd like more information on SPSE, please visit us at To learn more or to enroll in our online classes, make sure to visit the St. Paul School of Evangelization at
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535 Congress St
Bloomington, WI 53804
Office hours:
8:30 a.m.-3:30 Monday-Friday
Mrs. Julie M Jentz - Secretary
135 S. Washington St
Lancaster, WI 53813
Office hours: 8:00a.m.-3:00 p.m. (Mon.) 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Tuesday-Friday
Ms. Katherine Bernhardt - Secretary
521 E. Dewey St
Cassville, WI 53806
Office hours may vary, please call
Mrs. Cheryl Junk - Secretary
135 S. Washington St
Lancaster, WI 53813